Marcus Hampel

Country: Germany

Club affiliation: ANNO 1838 - Hau = Stoßfechten e.V.



Marcus Hampel (*1976) is in Historical Fencing since 2004 and instructor at ANNO 1838. His primary source for the 19th century military sabre fencing style is "Theoretisch-praktische Anleitung des Hau-Stoßfechtens und des Schwadronhauens (...)" by F.C.Christmann and Dr. G.Pfeffinger.

To complete the picture of fights taking place even on battlefields he blends bayonet fencing and group tactics into training. Based on principles his work assures that students gain a universal knowledge about these martial arts. Marcus gained experience as a trainer on events all over Europe.


  1. Hampel, Marcus (2013): Einstieg in das Hau = Stoßfechten nach Christmann
  2. Hampel, Marcus (2012): Grip the hilt and draw the weapon - a training method