Igor Andreev started to research and practice fencing in 2008 at school of historical fencing "Rencontre" in Saint-Petersburg. His primary weapons are classical French and Italian foil, French and British smallsword, Italian rapier and British singlestick. Today he is a kind of “Freifechter” and practicing theorist. He is intersting in theoretical and practical study of various aspects of tactics and fencing techniques depending on the fencing origins. Promotes ideas of visual integrity and the use of ancient treatises with lowest intervention of the modern knowledge of fencing. He closely collaborates with Saint-Petersburg Fencing Club and other historical and stage fencing school and clubs of the city and Europe. Participates in local tournaments in classical fencing and Renaissance rapier fencing. Takes part at International events in Europe. He has private membership at Accosiation of Historical Fencing (AHF) and The HEMA Alliance. He writes publications and essays, translates from foreign languages. He is editor of online magazine "Histoical Fencing: People, Facts & Events" and other projects devoted to Historical European Fencing.